The Settings Panel in Copyfolio: Domains, SEO, Privacy & More

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Dorka Kardos-Latif
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As with all website builders, Copyfolio also has lots of settings for you to explore. It's here in the Settings Panel that you can get and manage your domain, set the privacy of your site, and customize your SEO settings. Watch the video or read on to see all that you can do here.

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At the top of the settings panel, you’ll find a card with the link of your site. It’s here to give you an easy way to copy your URL —and to give you an at-a-glance sort of status update: if everything’s alright, you should see this green “Active” label here. This might come in handy if you have a custom domain.

Speaking of which, you can customize your site’s URL in the Domain menu.

Getting or connecting a custom domain

If the link isn’t super important for you but still want something nicer than the default string of letters, you can set a custom Copyfolio URL. That means a custom slug after and you can use English letters, numbers, and dashes here.

But if you’re building your personal brand and want to look professional online, you should go with a proper custom domain. For that, you have two options: you can buy one right in Copyfolio, or connect one your already own.

For the former, click “Get a new domain”. Copyfolio will automatically check if the .com version of your name is available —alongside a few alternative TLDs: .net, .org, and others.

You can also use the search bar at the top —and click “Purchase” once you found the perfect one. Once you paid, it’ll automatically be setup and connected to your site, you don’t have to do anything, it’s super easy.

It also comes with an SSL certificate, making your connection secure, at no additional cost —unlike with other website hosting services.

But if you’ve already secured the perfect domain elsewhere, you can also just connect it to your site. For that, you’ll need to click “Connect a domain you own” in the Domains menu, and follow the instructions there.

You’ll basically have to login to your account on your domain provider’s site and paste in the text records that Copyfolio provides to your domain’s DNS settings there. Just make sure to delete any old A records if the domain was connected to another site before, or the connection might not work.

Privacy settings: your site's visibility

Next, we have privacy, where you can set the visibility of your site. As you can see, we have 3 options here: public, hidden, and password protected.

When your site is set to public, everybody can see and find it, including search engines. When it’s set to hidden, it gets a “noindex” tag, so that it wouldn’t show up in the search results. But with the link, people can still visit it.

Password protection is kind of self-explanatory: you can set a password, so people can only check your site after entering it. It’s a great option if you’re still working on your site and don’t want others to see it yet —or if you have projects under NDA that shouldn’t be floating around on the internet.

Search Engine Optimization: your pages' metadata

The third menu item of the Settings Panel, is Search Engine Optimization, or SEO for short. Here you can set all the meta data that search engines need to display your pages:

  • The meta titles, which are not only the titles that appear in search results, but also the one that shows up on the browser tabs.
  • Meta descriptions that show up not only in search, but also when you share the link on Slack, LinkedIn, or other social media platforms with previews.
  • And alongside that, you can also set the image that shows up in those previews.

Plus, the URL slug of each page.

Browser icon: your site's custom favicon

When you open a page, you’ll see two things on its browser tab: the name (aka meta title) and a little icon. Having a distinct icon helps people recognize the site, especially if they have a million tabs open.

By default, sites here have the Copyfolio logo as their browser icon —but you can change it in this menu. If you’re looking for a custom but quick solution, we have some presets for you. They’re made up of your initials, using your site’s chosen colors and fonts, in different shapes you can choose from.

But if you have a logo or icon you love, you can upload a custom image too. Just click over to the “Custom” tab and find it on your computer —ideally a PNG or SVG file, in a 32x32px size.

Removing the Made with Copyfolio banner

Lastly, we have the Copyfolio banner. By default every Copyfolio site has a little “Made with Copyfolio” banner, so that visitors can also see how the site was created. We made sure it’s not too intrusive, but if you’d like to remove it, you can do so from here —or by clicking on the X it has in the editor, if you’re a Premium member.