Design Options in Copyfolio: Global Settings, Layouts & More

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Dorka Kardos-Latif
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Are you using Copyfolio to build your website, portfolio, or blog? We wouldn’t want you to miss out on any customization options, so today we’ll show you how you can adjust the design of your site in Copyfolio.

Where to find them

There are two types of design options in Copyfolio. Global design settings that change design aspects on your whole site with just one click —and individual ones that affect layouts and images in sections.

You’ll find

  • the global settings in the design panel, which is in the upper left corner of the editor;
  • layout options in the section settings, via the gear button that appears on the right side of your sections upon hover;
  • and image options by clicking twice on your images.

Let’s start with taking a look at the design panel.


First, we have templates. You chose yours during the onboarding, but since it doesn’t affect your content at all, you can change it anytime. What changes with the template is

  • the default colors and fonts (that you can switch),
  • how the top, so-called hero section of your homepage, blog posts, and project pages look like,
  • as well as the shape and fill of your buttons.

Just make sure you focus on the latter two —don’t choose based on the default vibe, as colors and fonts can still be changed.


Copyfolio works with color palettes. You change it in the design panel, the colors change on your whole site. No need to go over each section on every page. Some say it’s a bit restricting but it’s making sure the design on your website is always consistent.

It can be very handy if you’re not a designer but still want your site to look professional.

You can choose from a bunch of preset palettes that our designers put together: some simple, some pastel, some darker, some more vibrant.

Or if you have a specific color in mind, your can create your own palette by clicking over to the custom tab.

Here you’ll have to set a main color —either with the color picker, the pipette, or by entering its HEX or RGB code. Then you get to choose the shades to use for different elements like headings, paragraphs, buttons, and so on.


Fonts are a tad simpler, as here we just have preset pairs. One font for the headings, and one for the paragraphs. But there’s a long list, broken into multiple categories that you can scroll through and try.

And if there’s a specific font you’d really like to have that’s missing… you can always email our team to see if we could possibly add that in too.

Apart from changing the fonts altogether, you can of course also format your text with the usual options: use different headings, make text bold, italic, underlined —or even use a highlighter on the most important sections.

These were all the global changes. Let’s see what you can tweak design-wise section-by-section.

Section layouts

In Copyfolio, every section has a “Section settings” button in the editor that pops up on the right side when your cursor is on the section. Sometimes it has a bunch of options, sometimes only one or two.

But if there’s an option to switch up the layout of your section, you’ll find it in there. Just a few examples:

  • You can change the shape of your project thumbnails and decide how many of them you want in a row in the portfolio section,
  • You can choose a completely different arrangement for your collages and set how many images it should include
  • You can choose how to showcase your blog posts in a blog section: in a list, grid, or without thumbnails

If you want to get the most out of Copyfolio and have full creative control over your site, make sure to always check your options in the section settings.

Image options

Lastly, let’s talk about image options, meaning what you can do with a picture once you uploaded it.

First, there’s cropping. There are some places where images must be cropped to a certain shape, like your hero section. But at others, you can use the crop feature to style your content as you like.

A very popular option is cropping images, portraits in particular, to a circular shape.

To crop an image, click on it twice, then choose “Crop” in the edit image window. There you’ll see your options and can adjust the crop easily as you want.

Another thing you can do with your images to change the look a little is add them into mockups. And no, that doesn’t mean opening up Photoshop or any other app and try to make it happen there.

You can simply click over to the “Design” tab in the same edit image window, and click on any that you like. Copyfolio will automatically add the mockup and you can then adjust the crop if it’s not perfect.