Explore Copyfolio's New Portfolio Website Templates

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Dorka Kardos-Latif
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Releasing new website templates is always exciting, but we've taken it one step further this time. All Copyfolio templates got a redesign alongside the two new ones we just made live. We're super excited about this release and wanted to take this post to show you what the new (and improved) website templates look like. So start scrolling, and check them out!


A classic copywriting portfolio template in Copyfolio called Journal


Copyfolio's Typewriter template with its default colors and fonts. A copywriting portfolio for Kim Richards, with the tagline saying: copywriting, ad campaigns, social media. Whatever it takes.


Copyfolio's Artboard template with its default colors and fonts. A copywriting portfolio for Brooke Wright, with the tagline saying: copy that sounds like you β€”only better.
Copyfolio's updated Artboard portfolio template showcased with two different color palettes and font presets.


Copyfolio's updated Letterpress template, perfect for copywriter websites and marketing portfolios.
An example portfolio website made with Copyfolio's Letterpress template and the Oxford color palette

An author website created with Copyfolio's updated Letterpress template.


Copyfolio's bold copywriting portfolio template, Billboard, featuring a black background with its default color palette.


Poster, one of Copyfolio's new portfolio website templates, with a default orange background and no hero image at the top


A marketing portfolio website made with Copyfolio's new Premier template


Wallscape, one of Copyfolio's new portfolio website templates

Do you like the new templates? Login to your Copyfolio account and try them on your site, or sign up and create a website with one of them now!