How to Create A Portfolio Website in 8 Minutes (Video)

Dorka Kardos-Latif
Published at
Today we’re going to show you how to build your portfolio website in less than 10 minutes with Copyfolio. The video below is a real-time recording of the process from signing up to scrolling through the finished website, all in 8 minutes.
In it, we created a one-pager portfolio website for a fictitious persona, Julia Ann Morris, who is a freelance content writer. Her aim is to showcase her writing services to get new clients and to display her portfolio of content writing samples. Click "Watch on YouTube" to watch it in a larger size!
Here are the steps we did to build her portfolio website:
- Signed up to Copyfolio and chose the “Journal” template
- Wrote a tagline and uploaded a profile picture
- Changed the color palette and font preset
- Added a “Subheading” section with a background image to divide our sections
- Showcased our writing and marketing services using a “Services” section
- Added an “Image + Text” section to write a short about me illustrated with another portrait
- Continued with another “Subheading” to create another visual divider
- Created and published projects which link out to articles published on other sites
- Added a contact form to make it easy for people to get in touch
- Set a custom URL ending (could also buy or connect a domain)
- Optimized the page for SEO by filling out the meta title and description
Enjoy the video!
Need more inspiration? Check out our favorite copywriting portfolio examples!