2025 Freelancer Glow Up: 7 Tips to Crush Your Goals

With less than two weeks left until 2025, it's time to start prepping so you can have your best year yet. So let's see 7 things you should start doing to crush your goals and build a thriving freelance business in 2025.
1. Establish a routine
We know this might make you roll your eyes but hear us out. The key to growth without burnout is working smarter, so you can get more work done and enjoy what you do at the same time.
Routines and systems, however boring they might sound, help you do just that. Whether it's for reporting, invoicing, or creating content, having your processes down to a T will not only save you time but also brain capacity.
So sit down and write a list of the tasks you do regularly. See what order or method works best for you—or if you could improve that somehow. Once you have the perfect flow, start following that each time, until it feels like second nature.
You can of course also try to establish a morning routine (or one for the whole day) if your work allows. For some freelancers, days can look super different, so it wouldn't be realistic to expect them to fit in the same mold. 🥲
2. Declutter your digital workspace
Another thing that can give you better peace of mind and productivity is cleaning up your digital workspace. Because it's not only the real-life mess that can make you distracted. So if your desktop also looks somehow like this... 🫠

(Yes, this screenshot's real 🫣 We definitely need a good declutter too)
It's time to do something. Go through your files, delete the ones you don't need (be brutal!), back up the important things, and organize them all into folders. This goes for the files on your hard drive and cloud—but also for your bookmarks and forever-open browser tabs.
There's nothing better than starting the new year with a clean slate, even on your computer. 😌

3. When in doubt, grab a pen and paper
At the same time, remember that there's a world of tools available for you outside of digital apps.
Sometimes when you need to sort out your thoughts, brainstorm new ideas, or get stuck with a project, it's best to go back to basics and grab your good old pen and paper.
Our team loves drawing out mind maps, throwing ideas in a notebook with no filter, or using post-its for ideating in workshops.
For a start, get a notebook and keep it nearby, so you can turn to it when all the productivity apps just don't cut it anymore.

4. Showcase your services on your website
Got your workflow down and feeling super productive? It's time to show it to the world. 👯♀️ Because if nobody knows what you do and how, how are they going to hire you for it?
And while having a strong presence on social media is essential (more on that in a bit), you'll need a freelancer website to send people to.
Your website is like your online HQ, where potential clients can read about your services, check your previous projects, and hopefully, reach out to hire you for a job. 🧚
So make sure you have all that there, presented in a way that's both compelling and on-brand.
5. Create a content calendar for yourself
This goes out to all freelancers but especially those of you who work in marketing or social media.
It's tempting to focus all your attention on your clients' socials and building their content calendar—but you shouldn't forget about yours either. 👀 While writing a blog and bringing in traffic from search is great, you won't get very far without working on your brand awareness in social media in 2025.
Whether you do it in Notion like us or use another marketing planning tool, find a method that works for you. Plan out all content for your blog and all of your social media platforms, and 👏 follow 👏 the 👏 plan 👏 so the perfect clients can find you—and not the other way around.

6. Document your journey, post BTS content
While we’re on the topic of social media, don’t sleep on the trends coming in 2025—they could make or break your strategy.
The biggest tip here won’t shock you: it’s time to double down on videos! Social media platforms are pushing them for a reason. They keep people engaged for longer and give them more chances to connect with you.
So whether you're active on Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, or even LinkedIn, start recording and posting more videos.
And when it comes to videos, ditch overly perfect, bland brand videos. 🤡 In 2025, it's time to focus on showing your personal side and some behind-the-scenes. People are burnt out from all the faceless brands and their shiny content —they want to be entertained and be able to relate.
Don't be afraid to post about the good, the bad, the ugly. Share your milestones and celebrate your success, but also keep it real and show the hard things too. 💌 Your clients are humans too, and nobody wants to work with a robot—especially in the creative industry.
Make sure you add the best-performing ones to your social media portfolio.

7. Post more interactive content
And one last tip for winning over your potential clients on social media: get the most out of socials and find ways to interact with them as much as you can.
Think chatting freely on a live, or getting vulnerable in a Q&A session. Could also try polls and let them steer the direction of your content, you just follow where they lead. 🎀 It'll all strengthen your personal brand.
Just keep in mind that in 2025, the core of social media marketing will be creating brand awareness and creating personal connections.
Get ahead of the game and start trying these tips, so you and your freelance business can thrive (and not just survive) in 2025. 🥂