Who would say no to some inspiration when working on their brand or website? Hopefully not you, so keep on scrolling and check these beautiful sites we curated for you.
Rebekah Dunn – Marketing Copywriter
Why we love it: Starting with such a powerful image and stats this impressive? Consider us sold. Rebekah's site is pretty text-heavy but with skills and results this convincing, we have no notes.
Lizeth Carranza – Poet & Fictional Writer
Why we love it: a moody black background and thumbnails that perfectly set the vibe? This website and design are exactly what we'd expect from a creative writing portfolio and more.
Sierra Bowman – Social Media Marketer
Why we love it: Sierra made her areas of expertise clear right from the get go, then followed it up with various kinds of samples, proving the skills she's highlighted.
Margitte Kristjansson – Communications Consultant
Why we love it: Margitte's brand identity really shines through her whole site. The red color and her font choice establish her visual branding, while her tone of voice speaks for itself in terms of personality. 10/10.
Kristina McKay – Digital Marketer
Why we love it: Kristina's use of color, both in the site's palette and in the visuals she uploaded, makes for a super fun and engaging site. With the different formats of content and the stats she included, she built a killer marketing portfolio.
Kate Friederich – Marketing Manager
Why we love it: first of all, how badass is that first picture? We love. But the whole site's aesthetic is so comprehensive with the soft pink hues, we really have nothing to complain about.
Need even more inspiration? Check out our 2024 all-star faves or all the previous months' picks here.